
How does bi polar effect the family

1. Emotional Strain Unpredictability: The mood swings characteristic of bipolar disorder, from manic highs to depressive lows, can create an unpredictable environment. Family members may feel anxious or on edge, not knowing what to expect. Feelings of Helplessness: Watching a loved one struggle with extreme emotions and behaviors can make family members feel powerless, unsure of how to help or what to do. Guilt and Responsibility: Family members might feel guilty for not being able to “fix” the situation or might take on too much responsibility for the well-being of the person with bipolar disorder.2. Communication Challenges Misunderstandings: During manic or depressive episodes, communication can become difficult. A person with bipolar disorder might say or do things they wouldn’t normally, leading to misunderstandings or conflicts. Withdrawing: Both the person with bipolar disorder and their family members might withdraw from communication, leading to a breakdown in relationships and increased isolation.Bipolar disorder can have significant effects on family members, affecting emotional well-being, relationships, and day-to-day life. Here’s how it can impact the family: 1. Emotional Strain Unpredictability: The mood swings characteristic of bipolar disorder, from manic highs to depressive lows, can create an unpredictable environment. Family members may feel anxious or on edge, not knowing what to expect. Feelings of Helplessness: Watching a loved one struggle with extreme emotions and behaviors can make family members feel powerless, unsure of how to help or what to do. Guilt and Responsibility: Family members might feel guilty for not being able to “fix” the situation or might take on too much responsibility for the well-being of the person with bipolar disorder. 2. Communication Challenges Misunderstandings: During manic or depressive episodes, communication can become difficult. A person with bipolar disorder might say or do things they wouldn’t normally, leading to misunderstandings or conflicts. Withdrawing: Both the person with bipolar disorder and their family members might withdraw from communication, leading to a breakdown in relationships and increased isolation. 3. Impact on Daily Life Routine Disruptions: Manic episodes might lead to impulsive behavior, financial irresponsibility, or a lack of sleep, which can disrupt the household routine. During depressive episodes, the person might struggle to engage in everyday activities, leading to increased responsibilities for other family members. Financial Strain: Bipolar disorder can sometimes lead to financial problems, either due to impulsive spending during manic episodes or the inability to work consistently. This can put a financial burden on the family.



Right now, there are people all over the world who are just like you. They're either lonely, they're missing somebody, they're depressed, they're hurt, they're scarred from the past, they're having personal issues no one knows about, they have secrets you wouldn't believe. They wish, they dream and they hope. And right now, they are sitting here reading these words, and I'm writing this for you so you dont feel alone anymore. Always remember, don't be depressed about the past, don't worry about the future, and just focus on today. If today's not so great don't worry! Tomorrow's a new chance. If you are reading this, be sure to share this around to make others feel better. Have a nice day!"


Truth Channel

Hey Guys Please read and research everything I’m about to tell you with an open mind and stop following and believing others. I’m a StarSeed and I’m here to awaken you to the Truth or just relay information but anyway. Mind Control is real it’s called Voice to Skull Technology or MK Ultra reptilians are an evil Alien race that are invading us and are trying to conquer and control Humanity they can shapeshift so you won’t see them out in public they can look completely human but if you research a few videos where people have spotted them you will start to see and understand what I’m talking about. Or check out my channel because I uploaded a video of the US Military Secretly talking about these beings it’s called US Military Talks about Aliens They have invaded most of our politics and governments they are the ones spraying the sky with poison to dumb us down then say it’s to stop global warming Geo Engernering and poison the water then say it’s good for your teeth Fluoride and bomb the twin towers 911 inside job The Reptilians are the cause of most of the Worlds dramas and problems. They are also the ones behind the recent Coronavirus, (most of these viruses are created in a lab anyways) Lots of the stuff we have been taught at school is all crap and brainwashing to condition us as well so you can’t rely on what you’ve been taught there. (The aliens they feed off of negative energy and fear that’s why they are doing it)(Kinda like how we feed off of positive energy and like doing positive things they are the complete opposite) but they aren’t the only aliens here though. All aliens are evil they aren’t good, tall whites, greys, reptilians, angels, mantis, nordic’s literally all aliens here are evil and are trying to invade and control earth secretly. That’s why they haven’t made any open contact with us. You see we are Gods favourite creation and they can’t handle knowing we are the best at everything and they want our DNA and genetic material so they can become as unique and creative as us and ultimately beat us at our own game (which is what they have done creating Human/reptilian hybrids and merging Human DNA with all other aliens), our governments are actually reptilians as well and we think they are human but ages ago they made secret deals with the aliens involving us humans. They traded Technology for human Abductions as long as the Abductees would be brought back. But they haven’t returned and have most likely been killed and tortured by the aliens. The reptilians and aliens eat us, preferably kids they torture the kids for weeks so the body builds up with fear hormones like Adrenaline before shaving their head and drilling a hole in the top to suck out all the fear hormones it’s called ADRENOCROME it’s an illegal Human Harvesting Drug and I suggest you research that it’s really messed up and it all needs to stop and I’m telling you this so hopefully you can do something about this and spread the message and stop these messed up things that are happing to us. It’s pretty much all we can do is spread the word. And hope someone Powerful hears. It’s all real RESEARCH IT Fluoride is a mining waste and poisons you while also calcifying your pineal gland which controls serotonin (the feel good chemical) and melatonin (the sleep chemical). That’s why people who are older are always Grumpy and Sleep less because their pineal gland can’t release these natural chemicals. But to help counteract Fluoride go get a 7 Stage water filter*. And to Purge the body of these toxins use *Chlorella and Spirulina it will decalcify your pineal gland and help restore you. There is massive population control going on Chemtrails are one of them and are real but are called Geo Engineering now (they say they do it to reflect the suns rays and it helps stop global warming but that’s just a cover to slowly kill off the human race with all these chemicals they are spraying you with like aluminium, barium, strontium). You can help counteract this by bathing in Epson Salt or drinking it + it’s good for your skin. Demons are real. Angels are real and they are all evil some people like to differentiate them from Fallen Angels but an angel had to first be good in order to fall so all Angels are Fallen weather you like it or not they just need the right temptation and pressure and they will all fall Don’t trust them or look up to them. Never Channel a spirit or anything channeling is a reptilian trap to steal your energy, Spirit guides are all evil they will steal your energy, pretty much everything spiritual will steal your energy so I’d stay away there are other ways of finding answers than to channel a dead person into your body. (That’s literally what channeling is). Research the Flat Earth and subscribe to Eric Dubay on YouTube he has some really helpful videos about Health and Truth and I’d say he’s the main guy behind pushing the Flat Earth forward.