
Turn OFF your TV

Watching TV is bad for your health especially if you have any mental health issues,you are fed lies on a daily basis from every channel in every country,News programs are doom and gloom and normally on just as you get back from work or school, just what you need after a full day. Do you watch the adverts? I use to mute the remote control as soon as they came on and still do if i watch a film once in a while.Are you one of these people with a 60 inch wide flatscreen nailed to your wall so that the whole street can watch as they walk the dog, very convenient . Seriously folks you are being brainwashed and dripfed on rubbish and TV is making you ill. TV is a suggestion box that plants ideas into your head, have you ever watched a program and thought that they were talking to you, yes thats the power of subliminal suggestion. Im sure that if people with mental issues were to turn the box off you would find a more stable people who would start to converse with family and friends more easily ,Just an after thought i have noticed on TV lately how bipolar disorder seems to be catching, especially among tv stars in America and the U.K its becoming popular! Please leave a comment tell me what you think, have a good day.

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